July 2024 Telugu Calendar

July 2024 Telugu Calendar

Srinivasa and Co Telugu Calendar 2014 AndhraTelugu
Srinivasa and Co Telugu Calendar 2014 AndhraTelugu from andhra-telugu.com


As we enter the year 2023, it’s time to start preparing for the upcoming months. One of the things that many people will be looking forward to is the July 2024 Telugu Calendar. In this article, we will be taking a closer look at this calendar, including the events and festivals that take place during this month.

My Personal Experience

As someone who has grown up in a Telugu-speaking household, I have always been fascinated by the Telugu calendar. I remember my parents referring to it often, especially during important events and festivals. Over the years, I have come to appreciate the rich cultural heritage that this calendar represents, and I look forward to learning more about it with each passing year.

Overview of the July 2024 Telugu Calendar

The July 2024 Telugu Calendar is an important month in the Telugu calendar, as it marks the start of the Ashada Masam. This month is known for its many festivals and auspicious days, making it an exciting time for Telugu-speaking people all over the world.

Events and Festivals

Some of the important events and festivals that take place during the July 2024 Telugu Calendar include:

  • Bonalu
  • Ashada Purnima
  • Guru Purnima
  • Varalakshmi Vratam
  • Naga Panchami

Description of Festivals

Each of these festivals has its own unique significance and is celebrated in different ways. Here is a brief description of each festival:

Bonalu: This is a festival that is celebrated in honor of the goddess Mahakali. It is typically celebrated by the people of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh and involves the offering of food, flowers, and other items to the goddess.

Ashada Purnima: This is a full moon day that marks the start of the Ashada Masam. It is considered an auspicious day for puja and other religious activities.

Guru Purnima: This is a day that is dedicated to gurus or teachers. It is celebrated by offering prayers and seeking blessings from one’s guru.

Varalakshmi Vratam: This is a puja that is performed to seek blessings from the goddess Lakshmi. It is typically performed by married women and involves the offering of various items to the goddess.

Naga Panchami: This is a day that is dedicated to the worship of snakes. It is believed that offering prayers to snakes on this day can help protect one from snake bites.

Question and Answer

Q: What is the significance of the Ashada Masam?

A: The Ashada Masam is considered an auspicious month in the Telugu calendar. It is believed that performing religious activities during this month can bring good fortune and prosperity.

Q: What are some other important months in the Telugu calendar?

A: Some of the other important months in the Telugu calendar include Chaitra Masam, Vaishakha Masam, and Kartika Masam.


Q: When does the July 2024 Telugu Calendar begin?

A: The July 2024 Telugu Calendar begins on July 1, 2024.

Q: What are some common traditions associated with Telugu festivals?

A: Some common traditions include wearing new clothes, offering prayers and puja, preparing special dishes, and exchanging gifts with family and friends.

Q: Where can I find more information about Telugu festivals and traditions?

A: There are many resources available online and in books that can provide more information about Telugu festivals and traditions. Some good places to start include Telugu news websites, social media, and local community organizations.


The July 2024 Telugu Calendar is an important month in the Telugu calendar, filled with festivals and auspicious days. Whether you are a Telugu-speaking person or simply interested in learning more about this rich cultural heritage, there is much to discover and enjoy during this month. We hope that this article has provided you with a comprehensive guide to the July 2024 Telugu Calendar and its many events and festivals.